Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Testers 1/27/15

I think that I can confidently say that I am improving in my darkroom skills. I have finally reached a point where I can confidently make my prints and have a satisfying result. I obtained all of the solutions that I am going to use on the photos and the next step was to make the test prints. It was crucial that I not pick any picture for my tests. I wanted to have a photo that contained both very dark and very light regions along with having in focus and out of focus areas so that I could make a thorough evaluation.

The option, while containing a lot of the elements that I wanted wasn't quite the picture quality that I wanted. 

The chairs by the Bay had some light portions but not enough to make me happy. 

This was the only picture that I considered that had people in it, but it was way to pale.

This picture of the slash pine ended up winning the competition. The center areas of the image were very in focus while the edges were slightly fuzzy. There was a nice balance of light and dark as well. 
After deciding which image was the best candidate for running my tests on I made a bunch of copies in the darkroom. And just like that I had 10 new copies of the slash pine.

All of the pictures were developed f/8 on 1.5 seconds. The next step would be to pour the chemicals and my ISP would finally be on its way!


  1. I like this photo a lot -- I think you've picked a good one that fits all your criteria. (I also like the chairs by the bay, but I can see why you didn't choose it.)

  2. It was a rough choice because once I started making the prints I was in it for the long haul!
